Activator Technique

The Activator Technique utilizes a handheld instrument to deliver gentle treatment directly to the affected area.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a technique that uses suction to manipulate the skin and soft tissues to help with pain and muscle spasms. It’s like a massage, but instead of applying pressure, cups are used to create a suction effect. It’s a common treatment for injuries and can also help increase flexibility. Cupping can also trigger the release of natural neurotransmitters that control pain, making it an effective and relaxing alternative therapy. Many people who have tried cupping report immediate relief of muscle tightness and it can also help calm irritated nerves and trigger points.
Diversified Technique

Diversified is a commonly used chiropractic technique that involves applying a controlled force to restricted joints using a high velocity low amplitude thrust. This technique helps to restore joint motion, reduce pain, and ease muscle tension. Dr. Jameson is an expert in this technique and can help you get the relief you need.
Flexion Distraction Technique
Flexion Distraction is a gentle, yet highly effective treatment option available for individuals suffering from low back injuries, back pain, sciatica, herniated disc, and leg pain. This treatment helps to restore mobility to the lumbar spine, decrease pressure on the discs, reduce pressure on nerves, improve posture and provide relief from back pain.
Extremity Adjustments
Chiropractic care and adjustments can relieve pain in the ankles, feet, knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and hands.

Intersegmental Traction Table (Roller Table)
This table gives a relaxing back massage which helps to reduce muscle spasms, gently stretches the muscles and ligaments and helps to restore motion to the joints in the spine.
Posture Correction

- Dr. Jameson is a Certified Posture Specialist who can design a customized exercise and stretching program that is safe and effective for your body. By performing these exercises under his supervision, you can ensure that you are doing them correctly, leading to reduced pain, improved posture, better flexibility, and prevention of future injuries. Poor posture can cause several long-term problems, including permanent stretching of ligaments, disc injuries, arthritis, muscular imbalances, decreased range of motion, chronic pain, headaches, numbness, and tingling. Recent studies have even found that abnormal posture can cause increased fatigue and decreased mood.